Anton Belavin
2020-10-16 15:37:09
【提问】:HF-A21 boot fault, need help
【详情】:After downloading the firmware to the hf-a21-0 module via the web interface, the module stopped working. Now it reboots every 4-5 seconds. Is there a way to reset it in this state to the factory firmware, or load a new firmware into it? Do you have detailed information on working with the built-in bootloader?
通过Web界面将固件下载到hf-a21-0模块后,该模块停止工作。 现在,它每4-5秒重新启动一次。 有没有办法在这种状态下将其重置为出厂固件,或将新固件加载到其中?